viernes, 5 de febrero de 2021


3 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video when it caught my attention because I think is something really different (winning strength or muscle section) and it shows that is not the same having muscles and having strength. In the video, he explains how to train your muscles: volume, repetitions, intensity in your exercises and how long to train and to relax. After, he explains how to gain more strength through the same explanation (volume, repetitions, how long you must train and relax...). I think the most important is training in what you need, if you only need a good health or you want to develop your strength.

  2. I think the video perfectly shows the difference between muscle and strength, and I think it’s a concept that necessary got to be understand because people would think that, if a person has great muscles, that person will be stronger, but the methods to train those are different, variating in what you need and want. I found it such a complete video because it shows how to train to get more muscle or to get more strength, and it also shows some of the benefits you obtain by training strength, all in a short video of 5 minutes long.

  3. I have chosen to comment in this video because, in my opinion, is very important to know the difference between having strength and having muscle and this video is very useful for that thing,another important thing that this video shows us is that you don't have to do the same activities for imporve muslce or improve strength. Also to improve strength you have train all the days, you have to have 1 day of rest between the days of training.
    To sum up, if you have to improve strength or muscle you have to see this video because it explains very good the training method you have to follow.


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