miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2021



2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, my name is Laura Gonzalez, I found this video interesting to choose, because the girl is nice, and she encourage you to continue doing the exercices, I think its easy to follow the exercices. It also seems very important to know how to have coordination in the body. you don`t need equipment a you do all variety of exercices for all body. also she combines exercices on the floor and stad up

  2. Hi, I'm Lucía González from 3ºB and I have chosen this fitness video because I think that is a good video to do an sport routine at home, it is not very long and you only need a mat. It includes tone up exercises and other of cardio, which makes it more entertaining, also more intense exercises than others. In quarantine I tried it and the exercises are not very difficult and it doesn't focus on one part of the body such us the legs, you exercise the whole body, arms, legs, abdomen ... The girl explains them very well and marks the times and breaks.


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