jueves, 4 de febrero de 2021



4 comentarios:

  1. Hello I'm Hugo Paredes and I have chosen this video because in my opinion is a good video to win resistances and in 5 minutes you can do it but this you have to practice more of one day because if not you aren't going to do anything. Also I choose this video because the one of the video is a youtuber and I like him a lot.
    This exercises go very well to persons that do sports that they have to have a lot of resistance like running, cycle, football, basketball... Also this exercises you can do in your house and in 6 minutes you have done this and then if you repeat two or three times this is going to be better.

  2. This video teaches you to improve your physical capacity and especially endurance.
    In the video you can see how he does each of the activities, for example, different types of push-ups, exercises for the legs, buttocks, arms, etc.
    I really liked this video, because it makes you pay attention to what they do and not like other videos that are well done but do not attract you as much as this one.
    By the way they speak or express themselves and the gestures they make.
    It is as if they are explaining to their friend.
    Another thing that I liked is that it explains how to do the exercises and what part of your body you train.
    What I liked least about this video is that it looks more like a video that helps you improve strength and not endurance, or that's what I think.

  3. Me parece bastante interesante la manera de explicar que es la resistencia o la fatiga, también te explica porque es tan importante la resistencia en el día a día ya que hay que hacer bastante resistencia a lo largo del día y también te explica que la resistencia se usa para realizar la mayor parte de las especialidades. También es bastante interesante saber todos los tipos de resistencias y lo más importante es que nos da unos trucos para mejorar y evaluar nuestra resistencia.

  4. En este video explica 4 ejercicios diferentes para mejorar la resistencia, en el primero hace una especie de zancadas con las piernas extendidas hasta llegar abajo, en el segundo pega un salto con los brazos extendidos hacia arriba y después se agacha formando una plancha y así repetidamente y así va explicando ejercicios diferentes.


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