martes, 16 de febrero de 2021

How to train muscular endurance calisthenics

2 comentarios:

  1. I find this video very interesting as it explains how to train muscular endurance in calisthenics, the video begins by explaining the key to improving muscular endurance is to use up your muscle glycogen reserves, there are 2 types, the first one would be doing long series of the maximum number of repetitions or seconds, the key is very little rest between repetitions, around 30 seconds, you have to be careful to continue when you can no longer because a bad technique can cause injuries, and the second type would be like a relog, it would be to perform a repetition and rest for a short time, two repetitions, short rest, three repetitions short rest and so on, the two types seek the same goal, reach your limit, at the end of the video he tells the conclusion and three secrets

  2. I see this video becaues is interesting and i like this sport, i think that tis video is good when you have a question to this you can see this video to result the questions that you have, and there are 2 types of this and it can be of great help to you.It can be good to knows the definition of this because is important Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle to contract for long periods of time, lifting, pushing or pulling a certain weight.BYE BYE and very good video my friend RODRIGO MATA. good work jaja


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