domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2017
sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017
miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2017
martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017
Physical resistance
Physical resistance
Resistance can be defined as the psychophysical capacity that allows us to perform an activity or effort effectively for as long as possible. In other words, I can also count on the ability to withstand long-term efforts, resist fatigue and recover quickly.
The resistance is the oxygen consumption, which will dictate the type of resistance present at the time of doing this activity or effort. There are two types of resistance to aerobic resistance and anaerobic resistance.
- Aerobic resistance
It is nothing more than the ability to make a long-lasting, low-intensity effort over a long period of time, keeping the oxygen supply and consumption in balance.
- Anaerobic resistance
It is the ability to perform efforts or activities of short duration, but of a high degree of intensity, there being an imbalance between the contribution and the consumption of oxygen.
Within the anaerobic resistance we can find anaerobic alactic resistance and anaerobic lactic resistance.
Anaerobic alactic resistance is the ability to maintain a maximum intensity effort for as long as possible, using the ATP molecules in the absence of oxygen and without lactic acid production at the end of the process.
And the lactic anaerobic resistance is similar to the anaerobic alactic resistance, but in this case lactic acid is produced as a residue after having consumed ATP molecules in the absence of oxygen.
As can be seen, the volume of oxygen in blood and the energy sources from which we will obtain the ATP molecules are fundamental when carrying out physical resistance work.
lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017
martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017
lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017
How to measure our heart rate.
I choose this video because I think is so important to be able to measure our pulsations if we have a heart problem or if we need it for some test. It explains very well how we can do it.
domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017
This video explain you the importance of the sport, in our life. First explain that the sport isn´t only a physical activity, also explain that the most important part to do sport is the head. Then explain that the sport is good for the Young people to the bone growth.
Always, our brain eliminates bad sustances; and control pain, and our feelings. It can be to a large time or short time. Finally it tells that there are some reasons, such us fun, exercising our body ...
The video dure approximatelly four five minutes and <i hope you liked and understood , Good Bye
basketball in general
The offence wins matches, the defence wins championships. Many coaches examine their entire careers and do not win a championship, but they are great coaches. The basket does not forge the character, it reveals it. The classic player who claims that he only works hard in games is a fraud. A player who only works hard in games commits a serious infraction against the work ethic. You can not choose the way to lose, but you can choose how to recover to win next time. Hard work, concentration and dedication, do not guarantee anything, but without it you.
sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017
viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017
jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017
miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017
lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017
How Volleyball was Introduced
was How Volleyball was Introduced
The game of volleyball, originally called
“mintonette,” was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan after the invention of
basketball only four years before. Morgan, a graduate of the Springfield
College of the YMCA, designed the game to be a combination of basketball,
baseball, tennis, and handball.
The first volleyball net, borrowed from tennis, was
only 6’6″ high (though you need to remember that the average American was
shorter in the nineteenth century).
The offensive style of setting and spiking was first
demonstrated in the Philippines in 1916. Over the years that followed, it
became clear that standard rules were needed for tournament play, and thus the
USVBA (United States Volleyball Association) was formed in 1928.
jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017
domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017
viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017
jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017
The importance of sport for health
The importance of sports physical activities plays a fundamental role due to the benefits they provide. It is more than proven that there is a connection between sport and prevention in cardiovascular events, improving the figures of blood pressure, insulin resistance, regulating body weight, increasing the strength and tone of the muscles, in the rehabilitation of injuries, improve flexibility and joint movements as well as the benefits on immunity. But, it does not only benefit us at the biological level.
Psychologically, exercise has a positive effect, decreasing stress levels, improving mood, promoting relaxation and favoring the best rest. It is proven that exercise is also favorable for people suffering from anxiety and depression, since it reduces symptoms and provides a greater sense of well-being.
Therefore, it is advisable to spend between 45 minutes to one hour of cardiovascular exercise per day, in addition to working on the muscles depending on the objectives of each person. We suggest that you devote 3 to 5 days a week to exercise muscle, taking into account that a good technique to perform the movements can also be performed as well as a lower number of secondary injuries when performing poorly executed exercises.
To feel motivated when exercising, it is important to find a physical activity adapted to our liking and that can be put in contact with the time of doing it. This will make it easier for us to stay firm in our purpose of taking care of ourselves and not lose motivation.
miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017
Handball origins
Romans and Egyptians played handball?
It is likely that the origins of handball lie in ancient Greece and Rome. The ancient Greeks played a similar game called urania, from which handball may have been derived. In Homer's Odyssey, urania involved the use of a purple wool ball. In Rome, they played Harpastum, a game that consisted of throwing a ball on a line. Historical evidence indicates that games similar to handball were also played by the Inuit in Greenland and also in ancient Africa, especially in Egypt. There are drawings of Egyptians playing handball in 5,000-year-old tombs in Saqqara, Egypt, depicting girls in pairs playing the game. The balls of Egyptian handball were made of a leather skin stuffed with plant fibers, which allowed them to remain light and durable.
Origins of European handball:
Ball games were equally popular in Europe. The history of European handball is well documented. In medieval Germany there was a sport, known as fussballspiel, which translates as "game of catching the ball". During the Middle Ages in France, a game known as "jeux de paume" was popular among the rich and poor alike. The ball was made of pieces of tightly wound material that were sewn, and as the game changed over time, and gloves were used to protect the hands. This sport was probably a precursor to tennis - competitors began to wear larger and larger gloves, which later became the primitive tennis rackets.
It is likely that the origins of handball lie in ancient Greece and Rome. The ancient Greeks played a similar game called urania, from which handball may have been derived. In Homer's Odyssey, urania involved the use of a purple wool ball. In Rome, they played Harpastum, a game that consisted of throwing a ball on a line. Historical evidence indicates that games similar to handball were also played by the Inuit in Greenland and also in ancient Africa, especially in Egypt. There are drawings of Egyptians playing handball in 5,000-year-old tombs in Saqqara, Egypt, depicting girls in pairs playing the game. The balls of Egyptian handball were made of a leather skin stuffed with plant fibers, which allowed them to remain light and durable.
Origins of European handball:
Ball games were equally popular in Europe. The history of European handball is well documented. In medieval Germany there was a sport, known as fussballspiel, which translates as "game of catching the ball". During the Middle Ages in France, a game known as "jeux de paume" was popular among the rich and poor alike. The ball was made of pieces of tightly wound material that were sewn, and as the game changed over time, and gloves were used to protect the hands. This sport was probably a precursor to tennis - competitors began to wear larger and larger gloves, which later became the primitive tennis rackets.
Flexibility is the ability of the individual to place their body in different positions, either in movement or stabilization. That is, it is the mobility of the joints and muscles without experiencing damage.
There are two ways to differentiate it:
- Joint mobility, which is the work performed by tendons and ligaments during movement.
-The muscular elasticity, which is the ability to stretch the muscles and return to the original position.
There are two types of flexibility:
- Dynamics: It occurs when the exercise is practiced in movement.
-Estatic: A stretch is performed in a passive position without any movement.
Hello everyone, I am Javier and this is the video that I have chosen to do the physical education work.
sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017
The objective of the game is to put the ball in the opposite goal more times than the other team. The player who has the ball in the hand advances throwing the ball and can pass it to a partner. You can only take three steps without bouncing and you can not hold the ball without moving for more than 3 seconds.
Game time:
Overall, a game is played in two 30-minute parts, with a 10-minute break. However, the duration of a game depends on the age category of the players:
Under 17 years: 2 parts of 25 minutes
Under 15 years: 2 parts of 22 minutes
Under 13 years: 4 parts of 10 minutes
He is the only player who can touch the ball in his area. Your goal: to stop or deflect the shots of opponents. Players in this position must be agile to be able to stop the balls in the different points of the area with their hands or feet.
The left side:
Placed on the left side of the pitch, occupy the position at the left end of the defender (along the line of the band). When the opposing team loses the ball, the left side must run as fast as possible to the opposing goal to receive the ball from his teammates and mark the counterattack. His defensive role is to prevent the opponent from having an angle to score, but he must also help his teammates to close or minimize the opponent's attack.
The left end:
It is in the back line (next to the central). He is often in charge of pulling away to score a goal. You must also open the game to the side and give balls to the pivot inside the opposing defense.
The central:
It is located in the middle of the pitch, also known as the "game director" of the team. It directs the attacks, it indicates to his team which play to carry out. It is capable of entering the opposite defense. In defense it is usually placed just in front of the defense to prevent the ball's movement from the attacking team.
The pivot:
Located along the area of 6 meters, within the opposing defense. Look for the melee with the rival defenses, standing facing the goal or moving along the area. His defensive role is to lead his teammates around him. It is in charge of controlling and preventing the pivot of the opposing team has the ball.
The far right:
It is located on the right side of the pitch, has the same role as the left end.
The right side:
It is on the right side of the pitch, has the same role as the right side.
Handball is a collective sport where two teams of 7 players face, with a ball and on a rectangular ground (40x20 m), divided into 2 fields.The objective of the game is to put the ball in the opposite goal more times than the other team. The player who has the ball in the hand advances throwing the ball and can pass it to a partner. You can only take three steps without bouncing and you can not hold the ball without moving for more than 3 seconds.
Game time:
Overall, a game is played in two 30-minute parts, with a 10-minute break. However, the duration of a game depends on the age category of the players:
Under 17 years: 2 parts of 25 minutes
Under 15 years: 2 parts of 22 minutes
Under 13 years: 4 parts of 10 minutes
The positions
The goalkeeper:He is the only player who can touch the ball in his area. Your goal: to stop or deflect the shots of opponents. Players in this position must be agile to be able to stop the balls in the different points of the area with their hands or feet.
The left side:
Placed on the left side of the pitch, occupy the position at the left end of the defender (along the line of the band). When the opposing team loses the ball, the left side must run as fast as possible to the opposing goal to receive the ball from his teammates and mark the counterattack. His defensive role is to prevent the opponent from having an angle to score, but he must also help his teammates to close or minimize the opponent's attack.
The left end:
It is in the back line (next to the central). He is often in charge of pulling away to score a goal. You must also open the game to the side and give balls to the pivot inside the opposing defense.
The central:
It is located in the middle of the pitch, also known as the "game director" of the team. It directs the attacks, it indicates to his team which play to carry out. It is capable of entering the opposite defense. In defense it is usually placed just in front of the defense to prevent the ball's movement from the attacking team.
The pivot:
Located along the area of 6 meters, within the opposing defense. Look for the melee with the rival defenses, standing facing the goal or moving along the area. His defensive role is to lead his teammates around him. It is in charge of controlling and preventing the pivot of the opposing team has the ball.
The far right:
It is located on the right side of the pitch, has the same role as the left end.
The right side:
It is on the right side of the pitch, has the same role as the right side.
jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017
miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017
domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017
sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017
Handball gameplay
1. Left and right wingman: fast players who excel at ball control and wide jumps from the outside of the goal perimeter in order to get into a better shooting angle at the goal.
2. Left and right backcour: goal attempts by these players are typically made by jumping high and shooting over the defenders.
3.Centre backcourt. A player with experience is preferred on this position who acts as playmaker and the handball equivalent of a basketball point guard.
4. Pivot: this player tends to intermingle with the defence, setting picks and attempting to disrupt the defence's formation
1.Far left and far right. The opponents of the wingmen.
2. Half left and half right. The opponents of the left and right backcourts.
3. Back center (left and right). Opponent of the pivot.
4. Front center. Opponent of the center backcourt, may also be set against another specific backcourt player.
First wave: are characterised by the absence of defending players around their goal perimeter. The chance of success is very high, as the throwing player is unhindered in his scoring attempt.
Second wave: if the first wave is not successful and some defending players have gained their positions around the zone, the second wave comes into play: the remaining players advance with quick passes to locally outnumber the retreating defenders
Third wave: the time during which the second wave may be successful is very short, as then the defenders closed the gaps around the zone
The usual formations of the defense are 6–0, when all the defense players line up between the 6-metre and 9-metre lines to form a wall; the 5–1, when one of the players cruises outside the 9-metre perimeter, usually targeting the center forwards while the other 5 line up on the 6-metre line; and the less common 4–2 when there are two such defenders out front. Very fast teams will also try a 3–3 formation which is close to a switching man-to-man style. The formations vary greatly from country to country, and reflect each country's style of play. 6–0 is sometimes known as "flat defense", and all other formations are usually called "offensive defense"
jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2017
Why is yoga important for flexibility?
Yoga and Flexibility
It is widely known that the words yoga and stretching go hand in hand. Everyone should stretch regularly as part of a general fitness regime. Yoga stretches not only the muscles, but also the joints. Stretching is something that is not done for 5 minutes before another form of exercise.
Yogic stretching is the exercise, stay clear of the token type of stretching that exist out there and do some real stuff!
Yoga also helps to prevent muscle soreness and promotes faster recovery between whatever training sessions you give it. Yogic stretching is like a constant battery charger. It loosens tight muscles, which tend to trap lactic acid, the waste product that accumulates in the muscle cells during other hard training sessions apart from yoga that you may like to partake in.
Increasing flexibility is very important, yoga has positions that act upon the whole body including those joints that are never really on the ‘radar screen’ let alone exercised.
A body which may have been quite rigid at the beginning of learning yoga will start to experience a remarkable flexibility in all parts, even those parts which have not been consciously worked upon. Correct Yogic stretching develops the entire body.
When the entire body is trained together, it develops a sense of harmony and balance. When opposing muscle groups are trained together, flexibility will come faster as the opposing muscle groups work together not against or without each other.
miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017
Levels of physical activity intensity
what do we mean when we talk about light intensity, moderate intensity and vigorous intensity physical activity?
The intensity of physical activity is related to how hard our body works while doing that activity.
Typically, the intensity of physical activity can be described as light, moderate or vigorous. To benefit health, Australia's Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines recommend a variety of moderate and vigorous intensity physical activity.
Light intensity activities are those that require standing up and moving around, either in the home, workplace or community. Some examples include:
Housework like hanging out the washing, ironing and dusting
Working at a standing workstation.
Moderate intensity means that the activities require some effort but you can still talk while doing them. Examples of moderate intensity activities include:
Brisk walking
Recreational swimming
Social tennis
Cleaning the windows at home.
Vigorous intensity means that the activities lead to harder breathing, or puffing and panting (depending on your fitness). Examples of vigorous intensity activities include:
Many competitive sports
Lifting, carrying and digging.
Some of your moderate intensity physical activity can be achieved through day-to-day movement (e.g. walking briskly to catch a bus), through planned leisure activities and through your job. Doing vigorous intensity physical activity can have additional health benefits and may be built into your day, perhaps with a bit more planning.
As well as increasing your amount of physical activity, it is important to reduce your amount of sedentary behaviour. Sedentary behaviour refers to time spent sitting or lying down (except when sleeping), with very little energy expenditure.
Examples of sedentary activities include:
Sitting at work
Watching TV
Computer use for non-active games or social networking
Sitting in a car, train, bus or tram.
viernes, 2 de junio de 2017
miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017
miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017
martes, 23 de mayo de 2017
lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017
jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017
miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017
Simone Biles

She's only 20 years and a fact that a lot of people realize is that she's only 1,45m.
I saw her in videos of internet and in TV for her prizes and her quote is to never give up, she says before she became famous she was rejected from at least 4 gymnastics academies.
Rules of rhythmic gymnastics
Rules of rhythmic gymnastics
During the exercise gymnasts have to use the entire surface
of the floor, working in a balanced way and in constant movement, since they
will be penalized if they stop. At the end of the exercise, the gymnast must
keep the apparatus in her possession or at least be in contact with it with any
part of her body. Music and exercise have to end simultaneously. The duration
of the routines is 1'15 - 1'30 for the individual exercises and 2'15 - 2'30 for
the group exercises.
The judges
There are three groups of judges, each of
which evaluates a feature of the exercise.
Technical value
Evaluates the degree of difficulty within
the composition of the exercise.
Artistic value
It evaluates the
composition of the exercise from the artistic point of view, ie choreography,
body movement, originality, and musical accompaniment.
Execution value
It evaluates the
perfection in the execution of the exercise.
The result
In the individual competition can get up to 5 points in the technical and artistic, while for the execution are given up to 10; The three notes are added together and divided by two to obtain the final grade. In the team competition, the technical jury scores a maximum of 4, the artistic one up to 6, and the one of execution until 10. The three notes are added to obtain the score.
The penalties
According to the
degree of failure the judges are subtracting score
0.05 points for
slight distractions or accuracy failures
0.10 points for
minor faults
0.20 points for
major failures
0.30 points for
major failures
Also score is
deducted if any gymnast leaves the mat, loses control of the apparatus, or by
non-aesthetic elements.
The gym should be at least 8 meters high. The carpet should be 13X13 meters with a 1 meter security zone on all sides of the carpet. The mat must absorb the energy produced by the exercises and at the same time protect against possible falls. Its surface must be smooth with no holes or wrinkles.All exercises should be accompanied by music. The five devices are: rope, hoop, ball, tape, and clubs.martes, 9 de mayo de 2017
Gymnastics skills
There is a list of floor gymnastics skills. It’s not a comprehensive list. But I’ve tried to list the most commonly learned floor skills in the order that most gymnasts learn them. I hope this is a good starting point for you.
Forward Roll
Backward Roll
Front Walkover
Back Walkover
Handstand Forward Roll
Back Extension Roll
Front Handspring
Back Handspring
Aerial Cartwheel
Front Tuck
Back Tuck
Back Pike
Back Layout
Whip Back
Front Pike
Front Layout
Back Layout 1/2
Back Layout 1/1
Half turn on one foot
Full turn on one foot
Full turn with free leg in scale above horizontal
Full turn illusion turn
Full turn with free leg at a 180° split position
Double turn (720° turn)
(Check out the basic shapes in gymnastics that are used in the jumps below.)
Straight Jump
Tuck Jump
Straddle Jump
Split Jump
Pike Jump
Wolf Jump
Straight Jump 1/1 turn
Tuck Jump 1/1 turn
Wolf Jump 1/2 turn
Straddle Jump 1/2 turn
Split Jump 1/2 turn
Cat Leap
Hitch Kick
Tour jeté
Split Leap
Side Leap
Switch Leg Leap
Ring Leap
Round-off- Back Handspring
Round-off- Back Handspring- Back Tuck
Front Handspring– Front Tuck
Front Tuck- Round-off- Back Handspring
Round-off- Back Handspring- Back Layout
How to improve in gymnastic skills
1. Think small initially.
Reward the first signs of behavior that approximate what you want. Then reward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior. In short, use your reward power to shape the behavior you seek.
2. Break skills into small steps.
Before performing an entire skill, a gymnast needs to understand how to do each step within the skill using correct form. For instance, in learning a proper back walkover, one of your gymnasts has good flexibility and completes the skill nicely, but she doesn’t keep her body tight and fully stretched at the end, which affects the ending of the skill and makes it difficult for her to stay on the beam. Reinforce the correct techniques of the back walkover, and teach her how to keep her muscles contracted throughout the entire skill and keep her arms tight against her ears at the end so that she stays on the beam. Once she masters this, shift the focus to getting her to finish in the proper lunge position while remaining on the beam.
3. Develop one component of a skill at a time.
Don’t try to shape two components of a skill at once. For example, in vaulting, gymnasts must learn to run and hurdle onto the board, rebound from the board, and perform a skill over the vault table. Gymnasts should focus first on one aspect (run and hurdle), then on another (rebound), and then on the remaining components of the skill. Gymnasts who have problems mastering a skill are often trying to improve two or more components at once. You should help these athletes isolate a single component.
4. Use reinforcement only occasionally, and only for the best examples.
By focusing only on the best examples, you will help athletes continue to improve once they’ve mastered the basics. Using only occasional reinforcement during practice allows athletes to have more active time instead of having to constantly stop and listen to your instructions. Gymnastics skills are best learned through a lot of repetition, such as drills and competitive activities, and you should make the best use of team practice time by allowing the athletes to have as much training time as possible.
5. Relax your reward standards.
As gymnasts learn a new skill or learn to combine two or more skills into one action, a temporary deterioration of previously learned skills may occur, and you may need to relax your expectations. For example, a gymnast who has learned how to perform a rebound straight jump off the vaulting board is now learning a jump to handstand (onto a raised mat surface). While learning the new skill and getting the rhythm down, the gymnast’s execution of all components may be poor. A similar degeneration of skills may occur during growth spurts while the coordination of muscles, tendons, and ligaments catches up to the growth of bones. As a coach, you need to remain patient as a gymnast is learning something new.
Reward the first signs of behavior that approximate what you want. Then reward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior. In short, use your reward power to shape the behavior you seek.
2. Break skills into small steps.
Before performing an entire skill, a gymnast needs to understand how to do each step within the skill using correct form. For instance, in learning a proper back walkover, one of your gymnasts has good flexibility and completes the skill nicely, but she doesn’t keep her body tight and fully stretched at the end, which affects the ending of the skill and makes it difficult for her to stay on the beam. Reinforce the correct techniques of the back walkover, and teach her how to keep her muscles contracted throughout the entire skill and keep her arms tight against her ears at the end so that she stays on the beam. Once she masters this, shift the focus to getting her to finish in the proper lunge position while remaining on the beam.
3. Develop one component of a skill at a time.
Don’t try to shape two components of a skill at once. For example, in vaulting, gymnasts must learn to run and hurdle onto the board, rebound from the board, and perform a skill over the vault table. Gymnasts should focus first on one aspect (run and hurdle), then on another (rebound), and then on the remaining components of the skill. Gymnasts who have problems mastering a skill are often trying to improve two or more components at once. You should help these athletes isolate a single component.
4. Use reinforcement only occasionally, and only for the best examples.
By focusing only on the best examples, you will help athletes continue to improve once they’ve mastered the basics. Using only occasional reinforcement during practice allows athletes to have more active time instead of having to constantly stop and listen to your instructions. Gymnastics skills are best learned through a lot of repetition, such as drills and competitive activities, and you should make the best use of team practice time by allowing the athletes to have as much training time as possible.
5. Relax your reward standards.
As gymnasts learn a new skill or learn to combine two or more skills into one action, a temporary deterioration of previously learned skills may occur, and you may need to relax your expectations. For example, a gymnast who has learned how to perform a rebound straight jump off the vaulting board is now learning a jump to handstand (onto a raised mat surface). While learning the new skill and getting the rhythm down, the gymnast’s execution of all components may be poor. A similar degeneration of skills may occur during growth spurts while the coordination of muscles, tendons, and ligaments catches up to the growth of bones. As a coach, you need to remain patient as a gymnast is learning something new.
The somersault.
Se ha producido un error de traducción

The somersault.
1.-What is it?
In the environment of the physical activity, a somersault is that movement in which the individual rotates in the grouped position with respect to a transversal axis (the one that crosses from one side to the other), on the ground, rolling on his back.
The somersault, like all the turns, is considered as a basic skill of the individual who must develop in a general way during his infancy to facilitate more the learning and the development of techniques and sports gestures more specialized.
On the other hand, from the perspective of the training, the somersault is classified in the whole of the exercises that work the agility, since it combines physical work with the psychomotor to adapt to the demands of the situation, because to shoot properly you have to control very well your position and the approach to the ground to do well and not harm you.
-Flip backwards-we place our backs on the mat. We let ourselves fall backwards, stick our heads to the chest and support our hands at the height of our shoulders. The hay that impelled backwards until the palms of the hand touch the ground, continue with the impulse until you turn the whole thing.
-Lateral tumbling.-place in front of the mat, with impulse, first support a hand, following the impulse with the legs, support the other hand, laterally and complete the return.
-Flip forward with your legs open.-Same as the forward flip, but hay that ends with the legs open and straight upright.
-Flip with straight legs and together.-Same as the previous one, but finishing with the legs straight and together.
-Flip back with your legs open.-Like the back somersault, but finishing with the legs open and straight.
-Flip backwards with straight legs and gaskets.
3.-Flip forward.
We start squatting, resting our hands on the ground, tossing the body forward while we throw our legs, and elevating our hips, bending our arms, while putting the head between the legs and the chest. Rollers of the rollers of the knees, to roll and to arrive seated; Having the heels next to the buttocks we advance the shoulders so that, with the bearing, plus the last push, we do incorporate and finish again squat and then if we can get to the normal position.
-Help for forward somersault: to help a person do the somersault forward we put an assistant to his side to put the head between the legs.

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017
domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017
sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017
viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017
jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017
miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017
Types of rings
There are a bunch of options for gymnastic rings on the market. A simple search on Amazon will turn up a couple hundred options ranging from plastic to metal to wooden, and with a pretty wide range in pricing. Here’s a short arguing of the pros and cons of each, and what we recommend.
Plastic Rings
Still, starting out with a plastic pair is perfectly fine, but you may need to upgrade to a sturdier option when you move into more advanced rings work down the line.This is the cheapest and most widely available option. However, their light weight can feel less supportive in some exercises and are less comfortable on your hands and wrists than wood.
Metal Rings
There aren’t too many metal rings on the market, but you can find them if you look for them specifically.
The biggest benefit of metal rings is they are SOLID – you don’t have to worry about them bending or breaking. The biggest drawback is they are quite rough on the hands. You can wrap them in some sort of tape to help with that, but you’ll just have to decide what you’re most comfortable with.
Wooden Rings
They tend to be the most expensive option, but they’re by far the best way to go in terms of comfort and durability.
Whatever material and brand you choose for your rings, just make sure the straps are adjustable and long enough to accommodate your space and setup.
martes, 2 de mayo de 2017
miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017
lunes, 24 de abril de 2017
miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017
viernes, 7 de abril de 2017
martes, 28 de marzo de 2017
lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017
domingo, 26 de marzo de 2017
sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017
martes, 21 de marzo de 2017
lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017
domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017
sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017
viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017
jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017
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