martes, 16 de marzo de 2021

How to improve your speed


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello
    I have chosen this video because, in my opinion, it is a very good video because it explains clearly 8 different exercises to improve your speed and the exercises are very easy to do.
    Also, I think this video is very useful to persons that aren't very fast because to do these exercises you don't have to be very fast because are very simple to do
    To finish, I think the only disadvantage the video has is that you have to have differnt material such as the cones.

  2. I decided to comment on the video of my partner andres, since in it, the first thing is explained very well by explaining it and then doing it, but mostly I chose it for football since it is a sport that I like and I find all of them very interesting his aspects of improvement such as speed, since it is one of the qualities that most affects him, with the example of not only that when playing football he is in continuous movement and you are practicing speed, when starting training any coach commands your players to run for a few minutes, as the main and essential part of the warm-up.


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