domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021

Speed and agility


3 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because I think is a good explanation and representation of what we train at school. He shows first what he is going to do with a picture and arrows, and next, he does it for himself. All those exercises are made with different rhythms and direction in the steps. Also, he distributes what you train, like starts and stops, agility, turning... I think it is very good worked thanks to the cones, which mark the space you must run to change activity. It is also well explained to all kinds of people and everyone can make this training.

  2. I have chosen this video because it seems to me a very simple video to understand and to put into practice. The only material we need are some cones, which can be replaced by another type of material, therefore it is not a problem. Of the 16 exercises I would highlight one that consists of going to a cone, and rotating a cone. Another of the exercises that I highlight is the one called snake, I have done it when I was practicing basketball. I think it is very simple, and at the same time very complete to carry out. And the last one that I highlight is the one that has the shape of a square, and on each side you do a different exercise such as a sprint, or some jumps. I would like to carry out some of them in order to improve my speed.


  3. En este video nos cuenta ejercicios para mejorar la velocidad mediante conos. En el primer ejercicio mediante una explicación hecha por el nos muestra mediante unos conos puestos en fila con un pequeño espacio entre ellos como ejecutarlo desde el primer cono se pone a correr en zigzag hasta el ultimo cono, en el siguiente los conos están distribuidos en zigzag completamente separados y corre de manera que tiene que tocar el cono para ir a por el siguiente, estos dos ejercicios son los que mas me han gustado porque son como los simples de hacer. En los siguientes ejercicios ya se ven que hay que ejecutarlos con algo más de esfuerzo. También hay ejercicios que me han parecido interesantes ya que hay que ir para adelante después para e ir hacia atrás se ve que se trabaja muy bien la velocidad y además la coordinación.


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