jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020

FIVE GUARANTEED Ways to Gain Strength FAST (and Build Muscle!)


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello my name is Francisco, this video is so interesting because this man explain how to do well the strength training for not have any muscle pain and to have more strength in your muscle, he explain 5 tips, first tip is to get a good grip on the machine with you are going to do the exercise, second tip is that you have to train week movements frequently, thirty tip is never fail appropriate weight, fourth tip is to lift explosively, tip five is on the weakest movement, pause at the reset point for three seconds between reps. Do 3-5 reps, eliminate the stretch reflex.

  2. I have chosen this video from my classmate Francisco.

    Because, first of all, as he said it is a very interesting video; but the most important feature is that this is a really quick and fast video, so you do not have to spend much time to learn this useful tips that he gives along the video.

    The tips about how to gain strength that he tells us are very important for beginners, and even more for experts of muscle building. They are also very simple tips, so anybody can put it in practice whenever he wants, as he said almost finishing the video.

    Another reason I like this video is because of the content creator, he explains it in the easiest and the most amusing way possible, getting hooked to the video and watching it until the end.


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