jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020


3 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video from Chris Heria, credits for him.

    I like this video because it shows a tutorial that explains of how to do muscle ups, is a very extended video, that it is maybe a little bit problematic for some people, but I surely recommend it because his explanation is just fantastic. He begins telling us the skills that you should have before trying to do this exercise, and then, it finishes explaining step by step of how to do the muscle up; so following this instructions you should understand the exercise and dominate it.

    Another reason of why I have chosen this video is because I already knew about this content creator, and I really like his videos. He is just superb and explains whatever he is talking about perfect and simply, furthermore he has his own app for training and exercising that all people can use.

  2. Hola soy roberto En este video puedes ver cómo la chica que te explicó te cuenta sobre los órganos involucrados en el trabajo que estás a punto de realizar, luego de explicarte un poco la situación, inicia una serie de ejercicios para mejorar tu físico. capacidad. Sigue corriendo y no te canses demasiado, idiota. Explica la resistencia anaeróbica, tan intensa como un sprint. Creo que este es un video muy interesante del que puedes aprender muchas cosas nuevas. Espero que te guste, puede ayudarte a mejorar tu forma física. Adiós Ten un buen día

  3. Hi, I am Yeray and in this video we can see how we can muscle up. During the video we can learnt different types to muscle up. In the video we can see a person who do the different activities and explain how you can do it, who can do it, the steps to do it, and more things that you can learnt.
    I like this video because he explains it very well and it is easy to understand all the steps and routines that you must follow to carry out the activity.
    So, I recommend this video to the people that wants to improve their muscles or muscle up.


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