sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020

Rutina de glúteos, abdomen y piernas.


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, my name is Fatima.
    I have chosen this video because I think it is quite interesting if you want to have a fitness and healthy body.
    In this video the girl begins by saying that we will have to do 45 seconds of each exercise and in total there would be three rounds with all the exercises.
    The first exercise done is squats and you have to spend 45 seconds doing them, and so on with each exercise.
    The second exercise is to cross the legs from side to side and be in a stable posture, after finishing that exercise we would go back to doing small squats with the arms stretched out and at the end we start with the abdominals, when we finish with the abdominals we begin with the exercise of the (piñazos) and the (lunch).
    Now we do the exercises again in the second round, and so on until we do all three rounds of exercises.
    This video is highly recommended and I think it's pretty good to do at home in your spare time.

  2. Hi, I am Paula Caballero from 3º A. I like this video so much because I think that the way in which she explains the exercises is very easy and helps with motivation. Also I think this GAP routine is very useful to keep your body healthy and fitness. You can think the video is kind of long because it is about thirty minutes but it will be shorter than what you imagine when you start to do it. I will do it twice times at week maybe when I get used to it I will increase de times.
    Thanks Fatima!


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