martes, 17 de mayo de 2022


3 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because it seems to me that it can be very useful for me to improve my speed in football, because for my position that I am in it is very important to have a good speed to be able to reach the balls, shoot unchecks, etc.
    In addition to this, one of the mistakes that I make the most is to keep my waist down, which can cause me to have less speed than I can carry. For sport in general, endurance is more important, but speed always gives you a plus of success and can make things much easier for you. If you combine good speed and endurance, you can succeed in many sports.

  2. Hi, I'm Rafael, a 4º ESO student.
    I have chosen this video of my friend Sergio, because I found it to be an interesting and short video, they also teach you to you from an athletics track, they give you 7 different steps that you have to doto have a good speed. This video it can be to all ages is very easy to get better in your speed.

  3. Hi, I'm Mario
    I've chosen this video because I really like how it tells you the steps to get faster, the techniques are very good, but to get good speed, another key is to have good health, sleep well, eat well etc. It is one of the best videos I have seen on how to have a higher speed and what to do for it.


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