lunes, 23 de mayo de 2022

¿How to improve our speed?


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello my name is Diego and I am going to comment this video about 5 exercise to improve our speed by making explosive movements, the first tip
    is pilomentrics: it is a type of jumping which you have to jump with one leg to the front and the oposite side and repeat it, the second exercise is to make broad jumps which you have jump with both legs to try to archive the maximun length, the third exercise is the side jumping which you have to jump side to side, the fourth exercise is to put both hands on the wall and with one feet jump and change it to the other and the fifth is going to be make the board jumps but you have to jump from down to up and changing your dirrection. Good bye and i hope that this help you.

  2. Hello my name is Alba and I am going to comment this video about my classmate Diego, I have choosen this video because it is important to have some tips that can be useful for us.
    In the first part of the video the boy explains that the key is to be faster than the others and than everything doing whatever for example drinking some water, then the boy starts to explain the broad jumps wich are perfect for the speed and for the vertical jumping also the boy teaches us how to colocate the body. The next exercise are jumpings above the ball wich are very useful. Also the boy explains several exercises besides this ones that I mencioned.
    For me this video is so complete and easy


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