jueves, 12 de mayo de 2022

Gymnatic Skills///How to do the pine


2 comentarios:

  1. I am Carlos Bravo Gutiérrez, and I am going to talk about how to do a handstand and its best techniques to start with. The first thing is to start practicing the pose that would be to make a triangle with the arms and the head. After that you have to take a wall, position yourself well, and start practicing the leg raise. The best technique is to put your butt up first, then put one leg up and kick off with the other. There you would already have the handstand on the wall but you would have to start practicing it on the ground. On the ground it would be more complicated and the best technique would be to relax. You make the triangle, raise the body and from there you have to control the balance of the legs

  2. Hola soy lucia y me ha parecido un buen video para poder aprender a hacer el pino, es algo que parece muy facil hacer pero tiene su lado de complicalidad, para saber quedarse con las piernas en recto al cuerpo y saber colocarse para no caerse a los lados


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