jueves, 26 de mayo de 2022


3 comentarios:

  1. Hola soy Palmira y en este video muestra varios ejercicios para mejorar la velocidad y el propio sprin, con ejercicios analíticos con la importancia de la máxima velocidad y la intensidad aunque si se hace varias variaciones se podría hacer una metodología algo más integral con varios incluso porque no es solo trabajar la coordinación y la técnica en carrera

  2. Hello I am marcos
    I liked this video because its ability to express how to perform resistance exercises and how to perform them correctly is great. It is very complete, in addition to doing a couple of repetitions. As the video progresses, the intensity increases, making it a progressive workout. It is also very important that it indicates more or less how long you have to rest between exercises and that is fine because if you do not recover well, then it is difficult to continue doing the rest of the exercises. In the end I do the most difficult exercises and that's fine because that way we are already warmed up from the rest of the exercises

  3. Hello I am Paula Caballero and I have chosen this video because I found it very useful. The guy in the video shows us and teach how to do ten different exercises of velocity. I really like it because he explains it very well with so much details and also because he put expamples to show us how to do them. I think this video could be useful to to a beginer but also to a person who has experience in this area. Thanks for your video Palmira


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