martes, 10 de mayo de 2022

Beginner Gymnastics Skills | KTGymnasticsFan

4 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I have seen that a girl has shown us how she does repetitions of gymnastic skills for beginners, which is very good because it helps us to take a person as a reference to know how to do the different gymnastic skills, and to know if we are doing them correctly. I think it is a good video, because it has a variety of gymnastic skills to try at home, there is no doubt that if I can someday, I will do it, because it is a good way to stay healthy, and train yourself to someday get to do well those gymnastic skills.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. This is a video of a girl that show us how she does repetitions of gymnastic skills for beginners, which is very good because it helps us to take a person as a reference to know how to do the different gymnastic skills, and to know if we are doing them correctly. I think it is a good video, because it has a variety of gymnastic skills , there is no doubt that if I can someday, I will do it, because it is a good way to stay healthy, and train yourself to someday get to do well those gymnastic skills.


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