lunes, 16 de mayo de 2022

How to warm up before running

3 comentarios:

  1. I think it's a good video to learn the correct way to warm up before running. It is very important because depending on your warm up you will be able to run with a certain speed. If you warm up, your running ability is better. But if you don't warm up before you run, you will have a hard time, or you will feel pain. Some tips that the man gives us, is that for example, you have to bend your legs, bend it to one side and pick it up with your hand, and more things that he teaches us, I hope it helps you.

  2. Me ha parecido un buen video para poder calentar antes de correr o cualquier otra actividad fisica. Ya que si no calientas muy bien antes de correr, puedes lesionarte con mas facilidad y te va a doler mas. El hombre da algunos ejemplos, como por ejemplo tienes que doblar tus piernas y muchas mas cosas. me a encantado.

  3. un buen video de calentamiento de todo el cuerpo para evitar lesiones


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