viernes, 13 de mayo de 2022

How to do a handstand on a wall

5 comentarios:

  1. My opinion of this video is that it is very good, the video teaches us how to do the handstand, the girl explains it very well, plus she has taught me to do it very well, it seems to me a good way to do the handstand, and she teaches it so that beginners understand it well, honestly I have learned a lot with this video, especially the end, stretching before starting is a good technique so that you can do it well. Very interesting about bending like that before starting. A good video in general. I hope you also found it interesting

  2. I choose this video because show us how to do the handstand, , the girl explains it very well,, it seems to me a good way to do the handstand, and she teaches it so that beginners understand it well, honestly I have learned a lot with this video, especially the end, stretching before starting is a good technique so that you can do it well. Very interesting about bending like that before starting. A good video in general.

  3. I have chosen to comment on my colleague's video because I find the video he has chosen interesting, because the person who explains it explains it very well and it is well understood what he wants to teach us.

  4. He elegido este video porque me parecio interesante y te explica muy bien como hacerlo, he aprendido mucho con este video la verdad, me ha parecido increible. Y calentar antes de empezar es una buena idea, asi que es un buen video si quieres aprender como hacerlo.


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